
Categories: Founder's Blog


Sam Bayer


To sell more product. Plain and simple.

We just went live with this past weekend.  Within the first two days of going live, here is one piece of feedback we received:

“Love the new layout of the website! Found a new product I had not discovered before..might be the solution I’ve been looking for.”  Ergonomist at major California Medical School

The need for a usable catalog comes as no surprise to anyone focused on their B2C business, but why is it so hard to convince the B2B community of the value of an online product catalog for their SAP webshop?

The irony is that everywhere we turn, these B2B organizations ARE producing catalogs.  They have to be, otherwise how would anyone know what products to buy or materials to reorder?  Unfortunately, they are still focused on producing only print versions of their catalogs.  They are still operating in the pre-Internet model of mail them a catalog (or email, or download, or view a flash version of that print catalog) and then let them use the standard ordering channels to buy (phone, fax, email…or even an SAP disconnected webshop).

That is so yesterday and so below today’s internet savvy user’s expectations.  Today, everyone shops Amazon or Zappos at home, so they expect a similar experience at work.

So why is it so hard to convince these B2B organizations to get with the online catalog program?  Because of all of the perceived technical hurdles.  Well, as of today, with in production, those hurdles are now within the reach of the understaffed, underfunded and overworked Marketing departments!

Our Magento solution helps the B2B organization start with their SAP system and:

  • create personalized catalogs for each B2B customer
  • provide real time access to pricing and inventory information that is in SAP
  • integrate with SAP based tax calculations, freight determinations and credit card handling (Paymetric)
  • post orders in real time to SAP
  • provide real time access to delivery status and order related documentation
  • present, and soon to be able to pay, invoices and open items online

On top of all that, let’s not forget all of the wonderful presentation and merchandising capabilities that come with Magento itself!

If you really cared about your customer’s experience…translate that paper catalog into an online Magento experience and let your customers discover…and buy…”the solution that they’ve been looking for”.

It’s not that daunting at all.  Ask us how.


[want_more title=”Learn more” subtitle=”FREE Case study: 150% Sales Growth with Rich Content” description=”Learn how a leading flooring manufacturer more than doubled sales with a B2C-style catalog.” button_text=”Download Now” button_link=”/” button_class=”btn btn-primary mannington-ae” title2=”See it for yourself” subtitle2=”Talk to us” description2=”Curious what Corevist Commerce can do for you? Let us show you a personalized demo. You’ll see ecommerce with real-time SAP data.” button_text2=”Schedule Demo” button_link2=”” button_class2=”demo-popup”]